About Bill
As a husband, father, businessman, legislator and candidate, Bill Brady has always stood by his principles, which are rooted in the values of family, community, and public service. He believes in Illinois and a future of greater prosperity and opportunity for its citizens.
He served a large portion of Central Illinois in both the Illinois House and Senate after his first election to the House in 1992. In 2017, he was elected Senate Minority Leader by his colleagues. Winning 98 of the state's 102 counties, Bill was also the 2010 Republican nominee for Governor. Illinois has showed it is ready for new leadership and direction, and Bill is ready to help lead in that challenge.
Born May 15, 1961, Bill Brady grew up in Bloomington, Illinois. He played lineman at Central Catholic High School and, after a struggling start as a freshman, became a champion wrestler.
In college, Bill quickly showed his passion and creativity for job-creating businesses. He first renovated a duplex with his own hands and got his two brothers together to open up a Christmas tree farm. As Bill recalls, that is when he learned what it meant to start a business and create jobs and opportunity.
After graduating from Illinois Wesleyan University and with the recession hitting the area hard, Bill again joined with his brothers and their father, and together they rebuilt the family company into one of Central Illinois’ largest home construction firms.
Anticipating the recent economic recession, the Brady family began revamping the company in 2006. Facing the new economic reality of a nationwide housing downturn, the company and staff were downsized and retooled through tough and painful, but necessary, decisions. In addition to the home construction business, Bill and his family own a real estate agency and have other financial interests throughout Central Illinois.
Bill found his calling as an entrepreneur and public servant. He has dedicated years to serving Central Illinois, whether it is building and selling homes or working for his constituents in Springfield. Bill is determined to use his passion and experience as both a businessman and legislator to lead Illinois in a new direction with a brighter future for all.
Bill and Nancy have been married for more than 30 years and have raised three children. Katie and her husband Matt live in Chicago where she is a pediatric heart nurse at Children’s Memorial Hospital. Will and his wife Jessie live in Washington D.C. where he is an attorney and officer in the Army National Guard. Duncan, a 2015 college graduate, is working in Dallas. Bill and Nancy also have four grandchildren.
In addition to providing for his family and building businesses, Bill has served as a state representative and state senator to help people throughout central Illinois. As a lawmaker, he has always stood for the principles on which he built his life. He has reached across party lines to work with those who promote the best interests of Illinois. As a legislator, Bill Brady has championed:
Protection of pharmaceutical benefits for senior citizens.
Rewriting of the state's banking and insurance laws.
Bipartisan pension reforms that stabilize the system for current public employees while making changes for future hires to reduce costs.
Protecting children from sexual predators.
Expansion of property tax breaks for disabled veterans.
Bill Brady has a few simple principles for every citizen in every part of Illinois -- a responsive and responsible government that respects the taxpayer, helps create jobs and gives citizens a greater voice in their government.
Fair representation. Taking the job of redrawing legislative district boundaries away from politicians and giving it to an independent body, and implementing term limits for state officials.
Building a jobs-creating environment. Real lawsuit abuse reform, overhauling the state's workers compensation system to protect injured workers and reduce costs to government, job creation tax credits and elimination of excessive, job-killing taxes and fees on business and Illinois citizens.
Living within our means. Restoring fiscal discipline and balancing the budget without raising taxes on Illinois families or borrowing against future generations for today's bills.
School reform. Giving parents a greater voice and more choice in their children's education.
Combatting corruption. Restoring integrity and trust in government. Bill has sponsored and supported plans to limit campaign contributions, allow voters to recall public officials, and to bar state contractors from donating to campaigns. He also was one of the earliest and strongest voices in the effort to clean up the corruption at the former Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board.