About Nancy
The seventh of eight children, Nancy grew up in South Bend. Her father, Dr. Herb True, was a professor of psychology at Notre Dame in the 1950′s followed by a 30-year career as a motivational/educational speaker. Her mother, Betty Ann, raised eight children and handled family finances.
After high school, Nancy headed west to Illinois to earn a degree in insurance at Illinois Wesleyan University. While at college, Nancy played on the tennis team, joined Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and was selected to be a student paraprofessional at the college Career Center. College is where she met Bill.
Bill and Nancy married just after graduation and started their family. Nancy worked at Country Financial in the information systems division, while Bill was helping rebuild the family company. She left her job to raise their three children and is now a business manager for a division of the Brady family business.
When she has spare time — “a pretty rare thing,” she admits — Nancy still plays tennis and enjoys figure skating and golf. Enjoying Winston and Kelly, the couple's golden retrievers, is a favorite pastime she and Bill share.
With two cancer survivors in her family, Nancy Brady served as a member of the local Susan G. Komen Foundation board, and has been active in her home community, serving currently on the foundation for the Bloomington Public Library and formerly on the board of the local YWCA.