Bill Brady
For more than 25 years, I had the pleasure and the privilege of representing the citizens of Central Illinois in the legislature in Springfield.
I am proud of the work Republicans accomplished during my career in both the Illinois House and the Senate and during my tenure as Senate Minority Leader.
I thank the people of Central Illinois for giving me the opportunity to represent them in the state’s Capitol, and I thank people in every corner of Illinois who supported me in my campaigns for Governor.
Your support and friendship over the years is greatly appreciated.
While that chapter of my career may have closed, I haven’t quit on Illinois.
I hope to continue helping forge a stronger, more vibrant Illinois for the generations that follow. I will continue to be an advocate for the growth and survival of businesses in Illinois and for policies that protect taxpayers and promote better futures for the working families of Illinois.
I believe in this state. I believe Illinois’ days can be bright again, and I hope to find even greater avenues to help assure that future and to serve the people of Illinois.