Sign and Circulate Bill's Petition for Re-Election


I am happy to tell you that I’m seeking re-election to the General Assembly as your State Senator.Through the years, I have always been encouraged by your hard work, your friendships, your advice and your encouragement.  Nancy and I cannot thank you enough for that  support.

I’m also humbled that my Republican colleagues in the Senate chose me as their new leader after the resignation of Christine Radogno on July 1.  On August 29, the Senate officially named me Senate Minority Leader for the remainder of the current General Assembly.  It is a position that I take very seriously and one that gives Downstate a new voice in the legislature’s leadership.

For the first time in more than two years, Illinois has an operating budget.  In August, the General Assembly approved a new education funding system that will bring greater equity and fairness to all 2 million schoolchildren in Illinois.  I spent many hours negotiating that plan with the Governor and other legislative leaders, and I am proud our cooperative spirit led to that historic agreement.

We are making gains toward a better Illinois with a Republican governor, but we still have much to accomplish.   I want to continue to work for practices, principles and priorities that will encourage job creation and retention, and rely less on tax dollars and more on efficiency and innovation to better serve the people of Illinois.

I am asking for your support and help again.  Getting petition signatures is the first step in my campaign for re-election next year as State Senator in the 44th District, which includes all or part of five Central Illinois counties.


If you would like circulate or sign Bill's petitions for re-election, you may download them here: (Note that you must reside in the 44th Senate District to sign the petition.)

Brady 2018 Petition

Brady Petition Instructions

Brady Endorsed by Sen. Luechtefeld, Rep. Demmer

Brady Endorsed by Sen. Luechtefeld, Rep. Demmer

(Posted Dec. 19th 2013 at 9:30 AM )

Senator David Luechtefeld, a veteran Southern Illinois legislator from Okawville, and Representative Tom Demmer, a first-term legislator from Dixon in northwestern Illinois, today announced their support for Bill Brady for Governor.

Demmer said, “"I support Bill Brady for Governor because he'll turn Illinois around and get us back on the right track.  His experience as a businessman and a Senator shows he isn't afraid to tackle big issues and stand …

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Editorial Reaction to Pension Reform Law

Editorial Reaction to Pension Reform Law

(Posted Dec. 8th 2013 at 6:55 PM )

Bill Brady was one of 25 Republican lawmakers and the only Republican candidate for Governor who supported the reforms, which are designed to save $160 billion of taxpayer money over 30 years and protect the long-term viability of the state's public retirement systems.

This is what some editorial writers, columnists and commentators throughout Illinois said about the importance of the pension reform package.

Quincy Herald-Whig, December 8, 2013:

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